Large Mobile OEM Reduces Manual Testing Efforts by 70% Achieving 2 weeks Test Cycle with iHarmonyTM Embed Test Automation Platform

Our client is an OEM who builds Android mobile devices based on Qualcomm chipset for different carriers in US, EU and Middle East. It was facing difficulty in achieving a short release cycle with 2 weeks of QE window as a result of non-availability of SMEs for continuous testing and comprehensive test coverage.

Innominds leveraged its home-grown test automation platform iHarmonyTM Embed to help the client achieve impeccable quality at speed and ease.

Download the case study and know-how the client gained

  • 70% reduction in manual testing efforts
  • 2 weeks test cycle resulting in a shorter release cycle
  • Parallel execution of tests on local and remote devices
  • Early detection of defects specific to telephony, multimedia, performance and stability

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